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Dec 22, 2021
In Hustling in my 20s
I started my online magazine in October 2020, Blodeuwedd (Blo-Day-Weath) Blodeuwedd is an online publication and magazine for all voices to be heard. Our platform is constructed on the concept that nothing is impossible or out of reach. We hope to spread and normalise the notion that with a wider conversation, comes greater understanding. No voice should be left unheard. ​ The main focus of Blodeuwedd is to understand your world, spark debate, progressive ideas and provocative subjects. ​ We aim to keep discussion of important topics open. Being vocal about hot topics and breaking down stigmas in the process. So, if you like the sound of our principles, then you've come to the right place! We're currently in the process of a rebrand and making ourselves more professional, since we started this while at university, we didn't have the right time to make it exactly how we wanted. You can follow us here: (Our page is totally empty right now, our website is active though so you can see our previous posts and articles) We're totally rebranding so the website you see now will not be the website you see in 2022. Blodeuwedd will return in January 2022, alongside a new addition 'Oh! What's Occurrin'?' our latest podcast as part of the magazine. I will be its wonderful host...wink wink: 'We have a lot going on and a lot on our minds, and so does the rest of the world - so what better than to ask what's occurrin'? ​In homage to Vanessa Shanessa Jenkins, our podcast is appropriately named, asking 'Oh! What's Occurinn'?' Each week we’ll discuss what’s occurrin’, whether that be in the world of politics, music or our very own homes - we’ll be here to chat, debate, and discuss what’s occurrin’ in our own little world (and beyond.)' If you can't tell already, I'm Welsh and so is Blodeuwedd, (it's all in English!), we simply wanted to create our brand on a basis of Welsh mythology and all things Wales...hence why our podcast is essentially an ode to Vanessa Shanessa Jenkins. I do hope some of you have seen Gavin and Stacey. If you like Emma Chamberlain's 'Anything Goes' and love some serious humour and healthy debate, you'll love this podcast. As per this post, I wanted to see what YOU would like to hear me discuss in the podcast and if anyone would care to join our wonderful community, we would love more writers to contribute freely - and I would love some guest speakers on the podcast. Any topic ideas you may have, comment them down below! You all have the best things to chat about, and what better than a random Welsh girl to discuss them for you.
I have my own online magazine content media
Dec 03, 2021
In Thoughts in my 20s
You know the well known term, ‘post-nut clairty’? In simple terms, after a guy finishes from sex, he supposedly finds his one-night-stand ugly. That’s how I’d describe leaving university, I was enjoying it, literally having the time of my life. Then I reached the climax (graduating), and now I find post-uni life ‘ugly’. I can’t help but reminisce on the past, I physically cannot bare to look at the present. I ‘graduated’ from university months ago. So, I’m not going to sugar coat post-uni life, I’d be lying to myself and everyone reading this. I’ve seen countless pieces trying to be positive about it, and it’s just not that. I spent the last three years, 1,095 days, and 262,80 hours as a university student. These were, hand on heart, the BEST years of my life. Each day I had a purpose, I’d wake up, head to lectures and seminars, work, study, and spend quality time with my friends. Of course, the first half sounds dire, but to me, that was something I really was passionate about - waking up each day and putting all my efforts into learning a subject I love. There’s nothing bad about growing up. I am getting closer and closer to a point in my adulthood where everything is slowly becoming level and balanced. It’s not sounding too exciting to you, but trust me.
Dec 01, 2021
In Thoughts in my 20s
As the years go on by, I can't help but question what I'm doing with my life. That's not to say I'm unhappy, I have a bachelor's degree, a loving boyfriend, a stable income, and a wonderful group of friends - but somehow, I'm always wanting more. I know, I'll get an internship in a different country. Ah! I should? But wait, I’d be alone. Nah, I’d meet people, networking, they say, but I’d sure as hell come home unemployed. We often think about leaving our hometown and never looking back, as if it were *that* easy. It really isn't, I struggle to get my passport at ease in the UK...and, I'm a UK Citizen. Unless I'm Tom Holland, I don't think the US will welcome me anytime soon. Homecoming? I think not. The fees, the visas; the savings, the debt, the job uncertainty, why is it so hard to get up and leave? Why can't I go with my partner? Of course, I can, but he wants to have his own experience, I want mine. Sure, It's a few weeks, months - people always do this. Right? We just HAVE to do it before we settle and get married. Ugh, I'll miss my boyfriend while I'm gone, I'll miss him when he goes. There are SO many strings attached, but why? I want to have my own experiences, but I will miss my people so much, and I hope they'd miss me. But it's not forever, it's *healthy* to spend time apart, they say. Sure, but it's not exactly easy. I've always despised my hometown, whether that's childhood trauma (I swear we all had some kind), so the ticking time bomb in my mind has rung in my years for what feels like decades. Though suddenly, my desperation to leave, and to experience a new city is apparently a 'gap yah' where I'll 'find myself' and come back with patterned balloon trousers, and a septum piercing...? It's all exciting wanting to start fresh, experience a new country for a while, but then what? You just come home. Not to say I would, my boyfriend and I have always discussed living abroad, permanently - but, come on, you can't just throw a pin at a board and go to...Tonga? You need that lived experience, but when the hell do I get that? Saving, saving, saving - I'll have spent most of my life saving to travel, only to leave the country a handful of times. But be grateful, oh dear friend, cause If this were the 1800s, you sure as hell would be stuck at home with your annual leave being a trip to your local pharmacy for Opium. Even then, as a woman, you'd need to be very wealthy to even consider travelling. What's changed? Ha ha ha...oh. Okay, stop with the pessimism. It's doable, and the reason I think like this is that, well, I've been trained to think this way. From day one it's been school, university, grad job; career, marriage, family, retirement, blank screen, (404 Error). You don't seriously have time to do everything you want, and that's life. You work for what you get, and that's rewarding, sure. Though, I wouldn't mind something handed to me with a silver spoon every once in a while? *Hey, Kris Jenner...?* I'll read a book, and escape, one minute I fantasise about leaving my hometown and moving to New York, working for the New York Times, with a black coffee in hand from my local barista. The next, my heart is pounding at the thought of leaving my old life behind, *visa declined*, *ouch, crippling debt*, *job uncertainty*...the list goes on. Do it while you're young, they say. Sure, before my ovaries disappear. Live in a new city for a few months, save, get that dream job, move to a new country with my spouse - oh, and that's all while I'm in my 20's. The pressure is ON. Can I change the route of the course, hack the computer codes, trick the system? Well, I'll never know if I don't try.


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