I have been taking driving lessons for the past 2 years (I am not a bad driver but whenever I start them we go into lockdown). Well in November I failed my driving test within the first 10 minutes. Since then I have been driving my car as a learner with my parents. This is probably the most stressful thing that I have to do. The reason for this is that my parents do not trust me behind the wheel and how do I know that well here is a small list:
- They always have their hand on the hand brake because apparently, I don't know how to brake
- They will point out all the speed limits, even though I can CLEARLY see them. Normally I am going under the speed limit
- They will point out everything and their reasoning for that is "it lessens their stress" what about my stress as a driver?
But if there is one thing that drives me madder than the points I made above is the other drivers driving too close to me. The first thing you are taught is that if you CAN NOT SEE THE WHEELS OF THE OTHER CAR YOU ARE TOO CLOSE. Apparently, these lessons go out of someone head when they see a learner driver because they will be right by my car and as a result that gives me a ridiculous amount of anxiety. To being with I hated driving. I didn't even want to do the lessons but my parents insisted, this hatred towards driving started when I was in year 12 and we had to go to an event called "License to kill" where they made us watch a film about a guy causing a car accident that killed all of his friends and even had speakers come in and talk to us. I think what made this whole even more traumatic for all of us is that a guy from our class was in an accident not even a week later and nearly lost his life.
I don't think driving is for everyone and I am one of these people.
I agree. Hopefully I will pass my test this time round. I think it is just the stress of being an inconvenience to other drivers that get me.
I absolutely hated my driving lessons and driving instructor
If I can offer any piece of comfort, it’s only that I got more comfortable driving after I passed my license. The lessons were terrible and stressful, especially when you have someone screaming beside you. I remember my parents used to hold the pockets of the car door or the top hand holder thing. Any chances of you getting a less stressed passenger and driving around an empty parking lot? I agree. Driving’s not for everyone and if you don’t feel comfortable, you shouldn’t do it. The anxiety and stress can make you even worse of a driver IMO cause you have a ton of thoughts in your head and aren’t necessarily focusing on the road then.