Weird title.
And technically, not an ex, but hinge-guy-I-had-a-thing-with didn’t quite have the same ring to it. You get the gist of it.
Naturally, I went to the guy‘s flat and met his 3 other flatmates a couple of times. All the boys were lovely (and I do not say that kind of thing often) - super welcoming, really friendly, down to earth and would just chat about normal shit without it being awkward or making me feel like I was an outsider.
An example conversation would be:
“Why the fuck do you eat so many fucking eggs knowing that he (one of the other flatmates) is allergic to eggs?” “Why does it matter if I wipe down the counter every single time?”
“Why can’t you just crack it into the pan like a normal person?“
“Cause I don’t want to crack it like that”
“I just don’t understand why you would crack an egg on a counter knowing you might leave traces of egg while also knowing he might die because of it”
and the conversation went on like that - back and forth - about eggs and this man’s deathly allergy to the substance. Now it might not sound that entertaining, but it was my second time there and also the second time I had been brought into the conversation to ask my opinion of a shitty behaviour of said person-I-was-seeing. The former conversation was about who’s in the wrong when someone walks in on someone in the bathroom - the person who didn’t lock the door or the person who assumed a closed door = a locked door.
It was just something about the kind of person he was. Super sweet, extremely cuddly, sensitive and caring towards the other person’s needs - not the person I was seeing, his flatmate.
A lot of the time, I miss him. There was nothing romantic about it there, I really just miss… chatting? I miss knowing about his ex and the new girl he was seeing and the gossip I got to partake in without actually knowing these people at all.
Is this just a tribute to Charlie? To Charlie - I miss you despite never knowing you all that well. In some other life, I hope we’re friends and we get to have barbecues. You were really great and my friends loved you too.
Me but about Charlie: