Can you believe that we made it to 2022? I hope everyone had a lovely evening no matter what you did. If anyone is interested I spent my new years eve with my younger brother, we had homemade pizza and pikolo (Polish sparkling juice) because I don’t really drink alcohol and my brother is 15.
I think we all made new year resolutions at least once in our lives. I know that I have. But I never really stick to them. I usually lose interest in them within a month. Which according to some articles is very normal. This year however I want to stick to them. Normally I would simply think of these goals and keep them to myself, which normally resulted in me not sticking to them. So to keep myself accountable I am going to share them with everyone.
Exercise 3/4 times a week
Read 200 books
Read 2 non-fiction books per month
Graduate university with a Merit
Get my driving license
Go on a date 😉
Get a job in marketing or PR
Be happy
Start an Instagram page about Marketing trends to use as a portfolio
Learn to photoshop
Start doing a 5-minute journal
Be more money-conscious (Spend less)
So here is my list of new year resolutions. The minimum is to stick to at least 75% of the list.
I feel like this image is me every year 😂

Ooh this is such a good idea! Love your resolutions :)) mine are: - to cook a new recipe at least once a week - to read at least 10 fiction books (I’ve always read predominantly non-fiction) - to practice yoga at least twice a week - to start a PhD - to make the time to take myself on a solo-cafe date every other week