Have you ever felt like there is this pressure to not be average? With all the ‘self-help’ books such as “Building a millionaire mindset” by Johnny Wimbery or “Just f*cking do it” by Noor Hibbert we are fed this idea that being average is bad, being average means, you have no ambitions, living a simple life is not fulfilling. Today the idea of success is based on how many university degrees you have, how much money you are making, are you able to take that vacation to a hot country more than once a year?
On LinkedIn, you will see these long posts about the new project people are working on or the new job that they have accepted or how you need to invest in this and that because it will make you rich. But this way of thinking is so toxic because there will always be someone who has a better job or a better life opportunity. It seems we are on this never-ending marathon, and we never know when it is going to end, whenever we think we see the end, the gap between us and the end gets bigger.
I don’t want that. I want to live a simple life where I don’t need to be my own boss, where I make enough money to have a home and can provide a good life for my family. I don’t want to be working 24/7 and always be stressed that I could be doing more. I want a life where I don’t have to choose between success and love/friendships because we need these interactions for our mental health. I saw this quote and thought it brought all my thoughts together really well. The final thought on this post is that I simply want to be happy.